

2011年3月31日 星期四

A tip from Blair Singer's FB

Alan (艾倫) would like to share a tip from one of my favorite authors, Blair Singer, who is a great coach on selling. He says:

Everyone on your team should sell!


2011年3月29日 星期二

A good article about team work: From Wharton To War

While working in consulting and private equity, Jim Vesterman thought he was a good team player. Then he joined the Marine Corps.
By Jim Vesterman

(FORTUNE Magazine) - Going to war wasn't a textbook career move. In 2002, Jim Vesterman, an Amherst grad who had spent several years in the business world, was scheduled to begin the MBA program at Wharton.

For some time, however, he had considered joining the military - both out of a sense duty and because he felt that it would challenge him like nothing in the civilian world could. Then 31, he wondered if this was his last shot.

2011年3月24日 星期四

The Path to Wealth

I just see a tip from Kiyosaki and would like to share it with all my friends:

The path to wealth is the path that serves the most people!


2011年3月16日 星期三

Mar. 11 2011 日本9.0強震 (轉貼)

地震時的救命工具 --- 地震包
據說歐、美、日本居民都有準備『地震救命包』的東西,以下簡稱『地震包』。 地震包並不是外面在賣的東西,不是一種商品,而是地震時拿了就要跑的『快速背包』,裡面應該有幾種東西(已經整理好了--大家快去準備吧!)。『輕便的背包』:要可以一背就走、準備逃命到空曠的地方!主要要放下面的東西在裡面:

2011年3月11日 星期五

Tips for building a team

I do not have to be the smartest guy in my company. I want to have the smartest team. If I'm the smartest guy on my team I've failed and need to rebuild my team until the whole team is smarter than me.

#Source: Robert Kiyosaki